The direction the water drains in the Southern Hemisphere

Third last entry and here comes the “three pointer*** from the Southern Hemisphere. I am going to put forward a conclusion/opinion. I think that the whole theory about water draining in different directions in the hemispheres is an urban legend. I would say that it depends more on the bathroom’s plumbing than the actual place on earth ( with the exception of the Bermuda Triangle and Miguelturra [Ciudad Real] ).

  1.  I filled 5 sinks in different places. After that, I pulled the plug out. In three of them the water drained in a clockwise direction and in the other two in an anticlockwise direction. 
  2. As I am fully aware that 5 cases have no value other than to plant the seeds of doubt, I have asked and played around a bit on pages that talk about this topic and I have more faith in the opinions that back up my humble experiment than those that say the opposite. Above all because all those that say that in each hemisphere the water drains in a different direction hide behind a physical fact that to my understanding does  not justify what it defends: The Coriolis Effect ( Something that is more attractive to look at than understand, with the possibility of experimenting with kids in the park)

But later on, I saw this video and the doubts returned.

Finally I read the comments for the video and I’ve personally decided it’s an urban legend. And there goes the “three pointer” hurtling through the air. In any case, I hope that the two female scientists (A and A) that insisted so much on talking about the direction the water drains ( A & A) in this blog’s comments, appreciate the look on one of my bosses’ faces when he caught me over the sink tracing the path of a ball of paper down the sink.
*** Shooting a three-pointer means ( tirarse un triple) to say something that you are not sure is true because it seems unlikely that no one knows it. It’s a basketball related expression because:
-          It’s doesn’t tend to be necessary to throw it
-          It’s exciting, if it goes in the net
-          It tends to be information that we believe is interesting in a special way. If it’s utter nonsense, free throw.
-          If you miss it, you regret having thrown it.