Bloody Seagulls

The seagulls here are not like the ones from Spain. Or, at least, like the ones from Malaga or Asturias (they are the ones that I know best and I do not want to generalize about the entire group). Australian seagulls are oversized pigeons. I am not referring to their appearance, rather to their nature, their personality and their composure. They are annoying, impossible to scare away and very stupid. I’ve seen more than one collision between them. And, judging by the way that they interact with people, they do not seem to be aware that we are bigger than them and that we can step on them, and they lack the slightest ounce of respect for our living space: they have grazed my head with their wings a few times, and just look at what they have done to this poor child:

Returning to the film “Finding Nemo”: all the animals speak fluently, except the seagulls which only say “mine,mine”.

And where did these stupid seagulls come from? Australia.

Granted, I’m not exactly Felix Rodriguez de la Fuente (Spain’s answer to David Attenborough and an expert in falconry to boot), but I know that nothing is more dangerous than an idiot who doesn’t know that s/he is one. And, I’ve seen “The Birds” and seagulls have frightened me ever since (the first bird attack in this film was from a seagull).

Therefore and extending on my comments regarding rabbits, it doesn’t surprise me that there are hardly any pigeons. They got bored with the seagulls.

Photos: The first and the last photo are from the same place: the child was rescued by his mother from the terror, but soon after, the seagulls were bothering him again. The second photo doesn’t do justice to the Pied Piper situation here with seagulls in tow instead of children.