Off to school on horseback

My workmate who sits next to me showed me this news article today with the caption “Melbourne School Captain (1) exercises the historic right [granted by the school’s laws] to take his horse to school (2)”. Well there are plenty of doubts that spring to mind but one thing’s for sure: it must be truly impressive to park your horse at the gate (3) before heading into English class. (4).

(1): The School Captain is a student elected by their peers or Student Council to be…. well what exactly?? It’s like being the head of something without any actual power or authority, a figurehead – let’s be honest not unlike a King. I think the captains are generally between 12-16 years of age.
The reactions of the people around to me to this story have been non-existent. There’s a certain acceptance here for longstanding laws which means that they don’t exactly get very excited over newspaper headlines.
(3): This would really create a stir- not unlike the time my (former) friend Avo, at 12 years of age, rocked up to school with Reebok Pumps (1990) and simply let us discover that he had them by ourselves.
There are 3 school laws which come with the honour: the right to grow a beard and the right to bring one’s wife to official school functions are the other two besides the horse riding.